Leadership Skills Series

(12-18 Year Olds):

Whether it’s leading a group project, being a class representative, or joining the student council, knowing how to lead others is essential in today’s school environment. Yet leading your peers is not easy—you have to show a balance of friendliness and professionalism to people whose judgments matter to you, which can feel stressful and often disheartening. The Leadership Skills series aims to power you through these struggles, using concrete tools to guide you towards better decision making, emotional management, and communication. With this series you will learn to reach your full potential as a leader, setting an example for your friends and peers.

Empowerment Series


Many people believe that, as an adult, you should always be fully independent and self-sufficient. However, whether you scroll through social media or talk to your friends in real life, you’ll find that many strong, functional adults feel stuck and do not know where to turn for help. This Empowerment series aims to help you understand where those feelings come from, giving you science-based tools and strategies to overcome your dilemmas. You will be guided through creating a customised action plan with concrete steps, moving you from feeling stuck to being empowered.

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Decision Making

We all face a multitude of decisions everyday—from small decisions like choosing whether to hang out with friends or do your homework, to big decisions like selecting which colleges to apply to, each choice you make affects large aspects of your life. You have to consider not only your present desires but also your future goals, the expectations of your family, and societal and peer pressures, which can feel overwhelming. The Decision Making workshops strive to ease this tension, providing you with tools and techniques that will help guide your decision making process. You will gain a greater self-awareness of your needs and wants, leading to less nerve-wracking, better informed decisions.

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Managing Emotions

Emotions can get the better of us when we least expect it. Sometimes we lash out at our friends because we had a bad day, other times we feel like the world is ending because we failed a test; our emotional states can greatly impact our personal and academic lives, not to mention our mental health. Controlling your emotions can seem impossible when so many trials occur everyday. In the Emotional Management workshops, you will learn tangible methods of dealing with out-of-control emotions to reduce outbursts. You will be guided towards internal stability, which will help you stand up to the external pressures that come your way.

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Many times in your life, whether in a college application or when introducing yourself to a team, you will be asked to describe yourself. This question can be daunting—after all, are we defined by our hobbies, dreams, friends, or family? Do we stand out based on grades, extracurricular achievement, or something else entirely? Growing your self-awareness can be tricky, and finding out what’s special about you can be even trickier. With the Self-Awareness workshops, you will be given effective techniques that help you interrogate your own strengths and areas for improvement. Not only will you deepen your sense of who you are, you will also gain an appreciation for your own unique qualities, so you can always show your best self in interviews, applications, and more.

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Communication Skills

Communication is one of the most fundamental skills in life, affecting a child's personal and professional growth. In this summer course, we teach these skills to children in 4 modules: Building Connections, Managing Conflicts & Setting Boundaries, Communication Styles for Different Situations, and Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. You can choose 1 or more modules. Click the link below for more information on each module, as well as dates and times.

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Career Transitioning?

Whether you’re a young adult fresh in the workforce, a career woman entering a new industry, or a homemaker looking to start a career, taking the next step in your career journey can feel extremely stressful and confusing. How do you decide what to do? What should your first step be, and how should you go about it? This program endeavours to help you answer these questions, using effective techniques to provide next steps tailored to your circumstances. With a better understanding of your future goals and your present strengths, making that next step won’t seem so frightening after all.

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Am I Doing Enough?

Women nowadays often wear multiple hats: as mothers, wives, businesswomen, entrepreneurs, leaders, and more, the sheer amount of responsibilities can feel staggering. Yet despite the variety of roles these women take on, they might still hear the nagging voice at the back of their head asking, am I doing enough? This program examines this persistent question, giving you insight into where these insecurities come from and how to tame the voice in your head. Through actionable tips you will learn to ignore this inner conflict, focusing on the things that really matter.

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Terrible Teen?

Go From Anxious to Happy Parenting

The teenage age is a trying time for teenagers themselves, but also for their parents. Your teenager may suddenly change their personality and behaviour, and you won’t know why or what to do. They may not listen to your advice or guidance anymore. This workshop empowers you with constructive tools to guide your teen through their tumultuous years, helping you reconnect with them in this crucial transitional period. With these techniques you will build strong, lasting relationships with your child.

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