Teenager Coaching

VUCA: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous

This acronym best describes a teenager’s world today. Bombarded with information and expectations from all angles, teenagers are left overwhelmed. This causes them to lash out or close themselves off, turning to social media for comfort. Kids are often uncertain about what the future holds. One day they feel on cloud nine and the next day they doubt themselves. A few likes on Instagram can skyrocket their self-esteem and one negative comment can bring it crashing down. A person can be their best friend forever and at the drop of a hat become their arch-enemy.

This VUCA environment makes it hard for them to focus on what truly matters. In most cases, they lose sight of what is important to them.

In my one-on-one coaching sessions with teenagers, I use evidence-based strategies to refocus their energy on what they truly want. I work with them to cut-the-clutter and set goals in different areas of their interest.

Some ways my coaching sessions support students' academics:

Some of the issues I have coached teenagers on include:

Teenagers walk away from my sessions with:


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