
Testimonials from Sessions for Adults


Teacher at an International School

When I first approached Shalini, I firmly stated that I wanted to only work on being a good mother, I felt that I was dealing with the other areas of my life. I did not realize that the patterns of behaviour that affected my personal life were the exact same patterns that affected my outside life. When I explored and committed to making the best of one, I was given the gift of improving all aspects of my life.

I have gone from doing the things that I thought I needed to do, in a very hurried, disconnected and driven way to being the person that I always knew I was and wanted to be but just didn't think I could or should be.

I have an overwhelming feeling of peace and calm and a solid feeling of I'm where I should be. I have found a new way that is giving me everything that is important to me and I would not have been able to do it without Shalini. I also feel that my relationships and connections with people around me have grown in a good way - it is overwhelming.

I cannot thank Shalini Jain Bindal enough for the wonderful insight, the support and encouragement and belief in me!

I am embarking on a new part of my life and I am so excited! I wish to continue and keep growing in the same way in future as well.

Testimonials from Sessions for Children


Having a teen with so many questions and anxieties to deal with makes us moms doubt our parenting. Despite me having a close relationship with my teen I was lost in many places and had ended up with many issues, starting with a seemingly unbreakable addiction to the internet. The coaching sessions with Shalini opened many ways for my daughter to understand who she really was and most importantly her core values and was taught to set attainable goals for herself to help her move forward from a life that was stagnant. Now my teen’s internet time has reduced a lot and she is starting to develop healthier habits instead. In general, the means and exercises that was adopted by the coach to help her was the most important part that should be mentioned. Shalini’s kind, empathetic and sincerity in her work helped my daughter to open up with her and hence made the sessions effective and beneficial. I would highly recommend these sessions for those in need. Shalini Bindal  #Kudos I just wanted to say #ThankYou