
Learn the secrets to bouncing back from life challenges

Do you..

If you have felt any of the above, then perhaps you are undergoing a life challenge and you don't know how to navigate it

So, what can you possibly do?

People with high resilience are more capable of navigating life's obstacles healthily, growing stronger and more adaptable with every setback. 

The best part about resilience is that it is LEARNABLE

Finally. A science-based resilience program that will help you

In just 6 weeks, you will learn to:

Program Details: 

Interested in joining?  To register:


What is the format of Resilience X?

Resilience X is a 6 week long online workshop. Participants will meet once a week for a 60 minute group session and 3 times in the duration of the program for a 1-on-1 session with Coach Shalini.

How much time do I need to complete the homework exercises? What will that look like?

Each session typically includes one to three homework activities that you can complete at your own pace. Two examples of assignments include a values exploration exercise and keeping a thought diary. They are reflection-based and won't take more than 5-10 minutes out of your day.

Are the resources in Resilience X based on scientific evidence?

Yes. Countless peer-reviewed research studies have validated the benefits of resilience, and we have made sure that everything in this program is underpinned by rigorous science and references.

I have another question! Can I reach out?

Of course! Please feel free to email and we can chat.

What famous people have to say about resilience:

"Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving; we get stronger and more resilient."

 - Steve Maraboli

"Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare." 

- Angela Duckworth

"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." 

- Margaret Thatcher